Dr. David Sebok

Law | Compliance | Whistleblowing





Internal Audit


Experienced in law & compliance and internal audit in corporate, public authority and law firm environment. Worked in Hungary, Luxembourg and Brussels. Specialised in corporate and internal investigations (whistleblowing, ownership and management mandates, etc.), ethics and compliance. With the former professional athlete’s mindset and skills transferred into business, constructive approach and dynamism describes personality. Working language is Hungarian and English, practicing both in Hungary and EU.


Companies with at least 50 employees
shall set up a reporting channel.

In order to comply with the legal obligation, it is recommended to designate a lawyer with explicit experience in whistleblower protection and internal investigations.

By this option the burden on employers may ease, as they will no longer have to ensure the operation of the whistleblowing system within their own organization and staff.


Whistleblower protection

Appointing a lawyer with experience in whistleblower protection, receiving and investigating complaints and reports – while ensuring independence and impartiality – significantly increases confidence within the organization. In terms of results and cost-effectiveness, this type of appointment brings additional benefits for small and medium enterprises.

An important conflict of interest rule is that no lawyer who has been in a contractual, employment or other work-related relationship with the client for the last five years may be engaged to act as a lawyer for whistleblower protection or operating an external reporting channel.


Advice on the establishment, design and development of the internal reporting system. Providing trainings, drafting policies and related documents.


Investigating corporate whistleblowing issues, ownership or management mandates, ethics and compliance incidents, including detection, identification, investigation, risk mitigation and taking the appropriate actions.

Through partners, a dedicated team of experts is available if a perticular part of the case requires specific expertise (e.g. IT security incident, financial misconduct, detection). However, coordination will always be in one hand.


+36 70 555 36 72


Budapest, Pécs, Balaton